Hey guys I wanted to make a little blog update about one of my side hustles that I've been working on, which has been taking up most of my time so I have a lot of neglected projects that are no longer getting my attention for now. It happens!
A little recap: here's an image of my first 5 physical products that I sold through dorotapankowska.com as well as here. I'm not counting the times I briefly had an Etsy shop and sold hand-made jewelry, or the times I've sold prints of my art/photography. I've had a fascination for physical product design for many years but I just don't know a lot about it. But that doesn't really stop me from constantly trying to learn more about it and find more ways to make my product ideas happen, because I have a lot of ideas.
So I'm starting a new brand soon where most, if not all, my new products will be sold through. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time, to have a separate brand with its own standalone name. I've learned from a lot of mistakes when trying to make all these previous physical products happen. I previously wrote about one of them here and I think having everything in one place will help tie everything together and I'll also be able to directly blog about my future mistakes (because many more will come!) on this new site.
So... keep an eye out for this upcoming project!