
Sep 3, 2017

An update on the life of Dori

Portrait of Dorota Pankowska Hi guys.
I've been a bit quiet lately! You might have gotten some blurbs into my life by following my tweets, but other than that I'd like to fill you in.

In late 2015 I moved to Paris for a new job. Moving abroad alone to a country whose language you don't speak isn't easy!

To read a bit about the experience, check out this interview from earlier this year on Format Magazine titled Why This Art Director Moved To Paris.

Paris was a lot of different things! The culture shock was way bigger than I expected. There were ups and downs, some things that I loved, many things that I hated. All in all, I had a lot of experiences that I'll hold dear to me. But you might have noticed I didn't do a lot of creative projects while I was there. There are many factors that contributed to that, and in the end I decided to follow my desire of wanting to return to Toronto to catch up on some personal projects while taking a break from a real job.

So that's what I did. I've been back in Canada since May, and getting settled into a whole new life all over again took a lot of energy, but I feel as though I'm finally catching up to where I want to be.

So here's to new beginnings (yet again!).


Garry Gee !! said...

Glad to hear you're back and good and you saw Paris. Drop by one day if you're back in B-Town

Anonymous said...

Yay new beginnings!

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