I had some fun with the scanner today. I haven't used it to elongate my fingers before, but I've seen people do it. I finally gave it a go! ...and then I decided to scan my pets. From the top: rat, dog, bearded dragon, hermit crab, and chameleon. I didn't really have the guts to try to handle the tarantula though.
This is a little scary.
Eee you have a pet rat too? That's awesome ;) I find they're the best pets ever but people get so iffed out by them.
SUCH cool photos, I love how they turned out. So creepy but in that awesome way!
you have a tarantula?? eep. I'd be terrified to hold one of those, too! I love the one of your chameleon, I never knew their feet looked so crazy from below!
Oh. My. Gosh. These are all amazing. What are you waiting for, get on Tumblr and get those reblogs haha
Soon after posting that comment I saw that you are on Tumblr, sorry, new reader..awkward. Not really.
Ahaha thanks! I don't have many followers on tumblr though but I'll admit that I love tumblr and how fast things spread on it.
Thanks for the comments. :))
Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd.
Thrice and once, the hedge-pig whin'd.
Harpier cries:—'tis time! 'tis time!
Love these, more?
I just looked through a ton of your photos and you're absolutley incredible! Keep it up(:
oh i do love those lizard scans.