
Feb 6, 2012

Nutella, forgive me for this.

I have always been faithful to Nutella... but I really couldn't resist creating this. It's just so funny. Oh and, I only eat Nutella with a spoon, like a true Nutella fan!


ShyScout said...

Haha. Oh dear. Nutella is so good! I am out and need to go pick some up.

Kris said...

You need a few flies around it... Adding to the double meaning.

You eat nutella with a spoon? How do you stay so skinny? I've had my true-fan days too, but I've mostly had to swear off it. It's too delicious!

Dori the Giant said...

Haha, flies... oh man, not sure if I could go to that level.
I'm trying to gain weight! Nothing is working for me.

Caroline said...

The only way to eat Nutella for sure!!! :)

Chrissy said...

Haha, I love this! xxx

Anonymous said...

Hahha, this is great! Haven't had Nutella in way too long, you've given me a good idea, Dori! :)

Katia said...

Hehehe I had a nutella sandwich just yesterday :3 this is hilarious


blogmoodeuse said...

My fav' but not food for diet ! xxoxox


Sailing with bare feet said...

I just bought some !

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