
Jan 15, 2012


I decided to have some fun with high speed splashes again. They didn't turn out as well as they did last time I attempted it, but I think that's mostly because most of my time was spent trying to make the background less distracting. I don't know how to make these very well, and I definitely don't have the best equipment for it at all, but if I ever could afford it I definitely want to create water sculptures like this amazing guy.

I think I might start a series of photos like the first one, where objects are just about to hit a surface. I liked the symmetry of it.


Anonymous said...

This is terrific! I am saving up for a dissecting microscope (nothing macabre!) with a camera mount to capture extreme closeup images of items, like fly's wings, textures, etc. I am a long way away, but I think about it every day and can hardly wait. Love your images.

Dori the Giant said...

Thank you!
That would be awesome. Let me know if you ever do that. I used to have a microscope when I was younger and it was one of my favourite things!!

Maybe I should buy one again.

Kristin H said...

Hey Dori!! Another wonderful idea!

Chrissy said...

These are amazing! I LOVE the second one!
And I am loving the new look over here! Happy Monday xxx

Unknown said...

This is C-R-A-Zy! Loaf it!

<3 jordan

Karina Cifuentes said...

Nice! That's impressive and actually really hard to do. And love those water sculptures you links!

Jo said...

Wow, these are beautiful!!!

Lisa @ Tales of a Young Housewife said...

What a cool thing to capture! I recently found your blog & am addicted to all your lovely photos!! :)

ShyScout said...

These are stunning!! I wish I could do this with my camera.

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