
Oct 14, 2011

First illustrator attempts.

This is the very first thing I made in Illustrator, even before the logos. I've had a few attempts with the program beforehand, but it always frustrated me and made me give up, so I started off with basic shapes and tools. This is a portrait of my ex-boyfriend. I was really proud of it, especially after all the problems I ran into but managed to tackle. The idea was that the hair blends in with the background colour. Unfortunately the ex didn't appreciate this as a birthday gift.

I made this as a birthday gift for my friend. I mixed in a few different methods. Among geometric shapes, I also used more freehand techniques and also traced lines from a photograph of her. The idea was that the skin tone blended in with the background colour.


Dr. Mohamed said...

I like the way both images blend with their backgrounds, making the subjects a part of their own environment. Each images seems to use only 4 or 5 colors, but the combinations are varied and pleasing.

alliehallmarr said...

Whoa Dori, these are awesome!

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