There's something fun about using film! I love taking film photos with the Nikon I borrowed from my friend - and I can't remember how long ago that was. I take photos of random things throughout weeks and weeks of time, and then I like to see all the different results I get! This time I paired up some photos to create diptychs:
Top photograph:: My sketchbok, which I call my ideabook. It's one of those flexible note-book binders. They're amazing. Bottom photograph: My ruined paint brushes. They're still slightly useful, so I keep them. |
Top photograph: My dog's first trip to the plaza near our house. She was on her two paws, scared, looking for Kevin in the store window. Bottom photograph: Well, it's just a feather... But that there is possibly a chunk of bird meat. Gross. |
Top photograph: One of my only two plants in my room. Bottom photograph: What it looked like after it committed suicide off the shelf. |
Top photograph: My hermit crab, Passenger, running away from her gross, dirty home. Bottom photograph: Passenger happily liking her fresh clean tank. |

I love these photos!!! I was attacked by a hermit crab in third grade ... not fun!! :)
loving these :)
Very coool. I love film too....feels like there's more of your heart in it :)
Love the pics! Especially the dog.
I had to take care of hermit crabs in Grade 10 biology. I convinced my best friend to take care of them for me...they creeped me out.
oh no your plant! that makes me laugh though imagining it diving over he edge! i got my print! love it, thank you! now to find a frame..