I forgot about this photograph, it's from a few months ago. I was visiting my best friend who lives 45 minutes north of us, in a quieter place. As I was sitting there, watching television, I heard a thud on the window. I thought somebody had thrown something at the window, but there was no one around. I was looking down to see what had been thrown, and saw this little hummingbird laying on its back, twitching. This is the first hummingbird I have ever seen. We tried taking care of it to help it recover from its injury, and an hour into it, another bird hit one of their windows, but this time it was the glass door of the kitchen - and it was a sparrow this time. It was the strangest coincidence. Although, the sparrow died almost instantly, but the hummingbird died a few hours later. I was actually surprised that the hummingbird, which was so tiny and so light, made such a loud thud as it his the window, as if something had shot it out of a cannon. |

aww poor lil things. I've never seen a hummingbird. They are really cute! =)
the most beautiful birds.
poor thing. :(
amateur couture
Gorgeous image--so sad. I am so affected by this kind of thing--life is so fragile, and we can do so little about it.
i may have cried a little when i saw this photo. (but i think that's a compliment.)
I am very sad now.
Maybe get her some decals for her window?
Poor little guy. : (