
Oct 24, 2010


Small photo update. Nothing special yet, but I think I'm getting a little better. :) I'm loving school, I just wish I had more time.



Kathryn said...

That bird is amazing! Well done to you for capturing it like that.

I love the first one. It has a real earthy natural feel to it, though you'd expect tyres to be anything but.

I'm glad you're enjoying school and I totally understand about the time thing. I'm treasuring every quiet moment I get!

Kate x

BLUERAD said...

DORI! I love your blog, it is absolutely wonderful in design and content. Very good job, i'm gonna try and make my website just as nice once I get my own domain. Do you do it all yourself?

Sofia said...

They're really good, I think the third one is the best of them :)

starcakeastrology.blogspot.com said...

i'm loving that crumpled piece of paper.. how sharp it is and the scale makes it look like a giant sculpture

Caroline said...

You are getting better!! I am so excited for you!!! What camera do you use? For some reason I think I asked you this before :) any who ... I love the first and last shots. The texture, colors and layering. Cheers sweet friend! Glad you are enjoying school!! XO

Dori the Giant said...

Thanks. :))

Bluerad, yes I did.. it's all very simple HTML. Pretty much created it mostly in PAINT haha!

Thanks Caroline! I use a Nikon D300s. Although all my photos before September were taken with a Canon Rebel XSi.


Technical Display said...

wonderful photos! beautifully sharp, I'm a definite follower as of right now!

Unknown said...

great photos, once again! :)

ps. come on over and enter to win one of my hand knit scarfs!! good luck!! :) http://antikamoda.blogspot.com/2010/10/giveaway-clio-hand-knit-scarf.html

Unknown said...

These are great!

Anonymous said...

I gotta say very nice layout, its very unique and loads quickly. Great compilation of pics...did you take them? If you did, well done they look professional

Lily Riani said...

hey you! just bump into your blog... great pics. love it. i love looking at happy stuff.

i shall follow you :D. do visit my blog too, currently am running a give-away.


tera said...

These are great. I, too, really like the tires. I also like the crumpled paper...why is it that our brains try to see recognizable shapes? I thought it looked like a little pig... :)

Anonymous said...

I wish my desk lamp would give me money. :( The simplicity of the crumpled paper is really quite lovely. - G

Kevin said...

I like the paper fish. It is supposed to be a fish made from crumpled paper, right?

Dori the Giant said...

No, it is NOT a fish. It is a self-portrait of my brain that day. Somebody else said it looks like an elephant.

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